lol, Oooff

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No Elon, affirming your trans kid does not sterilize them.


Is this a problem?

This is in the vicinity of her ear. She's an indoor cat, never goes outside. My wife says there's a little blood.


My cat has always been overly clingy and never seems to get enough attention

My cat (male, around 17 months old) had always been super demanding with attention. I could have just; refilled and clean his water dish, refilled his food, cleaned his litter box spotless, pet him and play fetch with him (yes, he plays fetch) for an hour, but the second I go into my room or upstairs he’s meowing and yowling up a storm for easily 30 minutes. He has always been like this since I got him. While I do have a few fairly good ideas of why he behaves in such a way I wanted to get other opinions from cat owners and those experienced with cat behavior. Below I have listed more in depth info relating to him; We adopted him from an animal shelter when he was just a week shy from 2 months old. He was a stray and he and his siblings were found without a mother. He had just recovered from being fixed when we visited the shelter looking for a cat. He has always been a strictly indoor cat. He’s a very sweet and good natured cat. During this summer he had severe seasonal allergies and needed multiple vet visits. He ended up having to take multiple pilled medications along with wearing a cone. He never showed any form of aggression during this entire process and was very well behaved. He can tend to be destructive and sometimes purposely pushes boundaries I have set with him when I don’t go out when he cries for the 100th time that day. (the tear in the armchair isn’t from him. The chair is a hand-me-down from multiple family members, all of which has had MANY cats.) He has a cat tree, multiple toys, two tunnels, and three windows + a glass sliding door he can see out of. I have attempted to leave articles of clothing I wear frequently out in hopes that could help, it doesn’t. He has been well socialized. Now for my suspicions; I believe it’s definitely a form of separation anxiety. However I’m unsure if it’s because of being away from mom too soon, just general anxiety, age, or something different. Advice, other opinions, and pointers to things I can try is very welcome! However, do keep in mind that if you are going to suggest something to buy please make sure it isn’t expensive. (I’m on a low budget.) Thank you!
