Writing Genius Appreciation

Homer's Barbershop Quartet - Episode 82 - S5E1 Episode was written by Jeff Martin. I apologize as it has probably been brought up countless times on this thread, but whether it was Jeff or another writer doing punch up or a writers room collaboration creation - whoever thought to name the barbershop quartet The Be Sharps is truly a comedic genius. For non music nerds - on a music scale (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) every single note has a sharp and a flat. The only note on the whole scale, which does not exist… is the B# aka the B sharp. So to turn it into the quartet name, doubling as the wittiest of puns (We/You should be sharp and smooth), is a prime example of masters of craft writing elite comedy, which imo will never be matched. Another example that gets a hard laugh every time - Jen Crittendon’s writing in the country club - when Kent Brockman’s daughter spits out the food in her mouth and yells at the chef… “Fritz you idiot! I didn’t order a bologna sandwich! I ordered an Abalone sandwich! The play on phonetics and the alarming price disparity is cherry on topped with an 8 year old brat with such a refined palate.

Read also:

Alright. I have thought this through. I will send Bart the money to fly home. Then I will murder him


Make Legs a manhatten

Here's the recipe straight from the show Manhatten 1 oz. Italian (sweet) vermouth 1 jigger (1.5 oz.) of bourbon, blend, or rye Dash of Angostura bitters (optional) Stir with cracked ice thoroughly until chilled, Strain into cocktail glass and serve with cherry I prefer Wild Tukey


Homer strangling Mayron Legenrok


Just eat the damn oranges!


“22 Short Films About Springfield” is a perfect episode but I still wish it was 44 minutes long.


No, I don’t think we’ll be telling them that.

S5 E15


What's your favorite Homer fantasy?


Post the first Bart quote that pops into your head


Those fishes you can see are sharks in shallow waters

Picture taken from 500ft off the coast of Exmouth Western Australia.


South Korean Professor Cho Jae-weon invented a Toilet that turns Poop into Energy and pays people Digital Currency.
