who's your favorite npc?

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other than the roundtable hold, this place is just stacked


I just beat Malenia and I didn’t find it terribly difficult, has the mimic tear always been such a powerful asset in this fight?

I beat Malenia for the first time today, (16 tries) and tbh I think a lot of people have been overreacting abt her difficulty. I was thinking it might of had to do with my mimic tear, does anyone have thoughts on this?


What boss did you almost win against initially and then died and somehow never got close again until after endless tries?

For me it was Alecto, black knife ringleader. It’s my first playthrough and I almost had them the first time and then my sister came to visit, distracted I lost and I just couldn’t even get Alecto to half their health anymore. I had to study and learn their moves, thank god for that low poise and long range attacks. I almost disowned her then and there but funnily enough I was on a call with Dad talking about what she did and her visit that led to me winning. He didn’t fully get it but he celebrated with me anyway. Every time I see a black knife I attack with a zeal now. There’s one in front of the hero’s grave and it allowed the use of Ashes of war. I just chilled and let my mimic do the work💀. I almost look forward to catacombs now bc I’m praying I’ll find another💀. Anyways I’m up to Leyndell and currently resting at the former roundtable hold I’m guessing? So no spoilers past that please. PS I killed Rya am I a bad person? Every other npc has died lol. I just wanted her to die before she tried to kill me first (Blaidd😭). Alexander is at Mount Gel getting freaky with magma after stuffing himself with corpses. Eventually something is gonna make him go insane and I’m gonna have to fight him and I’m gonna hate it. Boc can’t be my only alive Npc lol. All the waifus (Nephali, Fia- after killing D btw WTF, Melani and Ranni- though I did cuff her so maybe she’ll return at least ) fucked off somewhere, Nephali’s father fancies himself all knowing I can’t trust him but I’m glad he killed Scarv-whatever. Haight is Haight and brother Cronus? (I’m terrible with names btw) is with Goldmask freaking out about Radagon for some reason. Somehow they are gonna come back with Radagon and I’m gonna fight all 3. Rennala won’t speak to me if I don’t wanna get a rebirth☹️- teach me spells my queen! The brother with the shrimp has warmed up to me but is warning against Dung eater- who won’t speak to me period. The path to Elden Lord is froth with loneliness I tell you. Loneliness. PPS- FUCK ASTEL


Therolina, DISCUSS

This is NG, I’ve beaten Radahn days ago, completed the entirety of Seluvis’ quest, and (as you can see) have her Spirit Ashes right here… Is this a glitch? I came back here to speak with Jerren for Sellen’s quest, but then I came across this. Does this happen normally?


What is he so upset about? She looks fine to me!


A huge thank you

I posted this in the subreddit around a year ago + after all the tips, I’ve now 100% Elden Ring, Sekiro, DS1, DS2 and am now playing DS3. Crazy to think that without this Reddit post I did a year ago I wouldn’t have experienced any of these masterpieces


I did it!


Malenia painting


I really didn’t expect to ever make it this far.

I’ve been through 3 builds so far and I always gave up around Altus I’ve never made it ti morgott in any of those until now I’m very excited to get past him and into the tougher areas of the game. Feels nice to finally be so close to the erd tree for my first time.


Took me a while but I’m done with the LineArt. I have to start playing again to be prepared for the DLC. I’ll show you the final result much later ✌️
