Endless preparing automatic repair loop

So i was playing starfield and my entire pc froze so i went to restart it like i have a handful of times with the game, and now i’m stuck in this endless loop, i can get into bios but nothing else. and it keeps freezing on this screen anyone dealt with this before? specs if it helps ryzen 9 7900x RTX 4070 autos x670e motherboard 64gb 6400 ram 2tb ssd

Read also:

Guess that GPU!!

I’m gonna put it back in now and try not to damage it


PC game pass not letting me download anything

I NEED HELP! I have been having an issue with PC game pass! I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling game pass, I have tried YouTube videos and even reached out to Microsoft to help me and the tech went cold with solutions. I even sent it to Canada computers and support and they can't figure it out either. Has anyone else had this issue before I just wanna play starfield!


What are these, and why are they important?

I was tinkering with my PC and took these out, and I am wondering what these are, and why they are in there, it was a prebuilt so I had no idea what these are


Came home to this in the middle of my screen. Nobody else uses my pc. What should I do?


4 tb run out fast


Did I mess up my friends fan and radiator placement?

For context this was last year. I was building my friend's first PC. This was also my first time as well. I had knowledge but no practical work. They chose the PC case because they really liked it. If I recall correctly it was a NZXT 5 or something? From the looks of it, it didn't have much ventilation or air flow to its design. When I was working on their build, I was planning on putting the fans in front then the radiator on the back so that the fans pull in fresh air into the radiator but my friend wanted to "show off" their front PC case fans so I compromised and put on the radiator first and then added in the fans to suck the air from the radiator and exhaust into the PC. Since they've had it for a year, they haven't told me of any problems that occurred yet but I'm still concerned I made the wrong choice. Is this placement fine? How big of a difference would the temps be if I had originally gone with my original plan? Should I tell them and fix it up for them?


Back when I didnt know how computers worked


You think the NVIDIA Control Panel is bad just look at the NVIDIA X Server Settings


Caucasion women needed pls


I laughed at the absurdity, and then I cried at the certainty that there's an asshole somewhere who's already tried this. (with the correct comic this time!)
