They call her Della Bella

Read also:

Don't be fooled by the sad eyes

She's actually a bastard and bit me .3 seconds before cause I wouldn't let her eat the shiny plastic she found like a gourmet pasta dish


She’s got all her teeth; she just likes to blep.


She got a new stuffed animal!

My buddy sent her a new stuffed cat and she treats them like they’re her kittens. She brings them everywhere.


Boo, the autumn loving cat


New bed, old voidgrl

Love making the kitties the most delicious bed options 🤤


Finally I found my favorite one!!



Hello fwends, Ahsoka Tano the void here. I am getting soooooo with my feeding times. Does this hooman not understand a set schedule?! My lunchtime is between 11 and 12 and I did not get said breakfast until 1:16 precisely. This is completely unacceptable. I will probably reach out to the pawyers on the legal team but if I’m just so angry. I most definitely WILL BE SINGING the songs of my people throughout the night. Most likely the human female and male will get boops while they’re sleeping as well. They will face my wrath.


Boxes rule


This is Nemmy, she’s 16. 🖤

We had a health scare with her this year, and we don’t know how much longer we’ll have with her but we plan on appreciating every day.


We were having a creeper contest... He won.
