Can someone please replace the dark outline color with a solid black and also remove the sticker border?

Read also:

Can someone please remove the big stone in the front?


My girlfriend is travelling in Brazil and I want to send something for her bday. Can you put her in a crazy travel destination? Somewhere mystical is fine. I want it to look like she’s on an epic heroic journey. I’ll tip $20


Can someone alter the lighting on this image please? Mostly looking for my parents faces to not be as dark and the background to be sharpened up. Especially the castle


Could someone please curl a couple fingers of the shadow? Thanks.


Can you please make a funny edit that has something to do with lemons? Thanks!


Can you please edit out the hand holding up the police cap? Thanks!


Anyone else get this feeling?


Interesting numberplate…

I guess Vic Roads took the day off.


Literacy is clearly not their strong suit.


THIS is why I hate paper bags!

This is how the woolies cashier packed it. I don't drive and I can't lug extra reusable bags around with me because it's not practical. I fucking hate this trend. Bring back plastic. Everything else we use is fucking plastic.
