“PC” setup

I fucking hate using windows. I refuse to use a PC the last time I used windows I almost set my fucking house on fire don’t get me started. Anyway, this is a PC set up because right out of view under my desk. There’s an AT&T workstation from 1984..

Read also:


There was an attempt to make a Dell laptop better.


Found that at the rail train station. I am curious if I can run crisis on it?


Why is the overlay not going to the edge?


Upgrading from X99 to Z790


Are this specs enough for fortnight and fast google search by any chance ?

I know is not great , but my son wants a “gaming pc” he’s 11 and autistic and right now I can’t afford one ( maybe next summer I will) , this pc is pretty much free and might give his constant asking a break. He still have the ps5 and Nintendo switch for most of the gaming, so not sure why he wants it and what he will do with it . Thanks


How Screwed am i?

If the Graphics Card lower plate is chipped like that... Will it work or not?? If not how can i fix this?


PC specs?

Thinking of buying an entry level pc for no more than about $3000AUD (maybe slightly more) and want to be able to play cyberpunk at 1080-1440p about 50-60fps. Could somebody please check the specs for me?


Finally finished my first PC build ever!!(with a help of my friend).


Is 780£ (~900E) a good price?

Got this and i'm still on the fence if it's a good deal. Most stuff in UK is more expensive so msrp would be 900£-ish. Have a 3070ti which i got a buyer for ~300£. This is the Ultra black model which is technically more expensive than regular. Alternative would be a 6950XT for 620£


Ah yes, nothing beats the color 5400Mbps+BT5.2(Without heat sink)
