Glory for Gamestop! Wall Street has no honor! DRS, Shop, comment and hodl the line!

Read also:

How many of you regards have been searching for Ryan Cohens wife?

Relevant searches on google show people have an interest in Ryan Cohens wife. We truly are a bunch of regards.


Q3 is gonna be 🔥

Outside of many other cool games coming out in Q3, this will probably bump console sales a bit. Let’s go!!!


So Papa is under investigation but yet hedge funds are left unchecked? Yea makes perfect sense 🙄

Article is from September 8th


How do I get rid of this Plan Holdings?

I remember reading that these were being used as locates and and I should terminate it. I got the full shares in Book, but this is still here. Is it as simple as just to sell this? I never thought I would “sell” anything.


It’s not purple but it’s still a sign!

Just chilling outside my hotel room and this thing is sitting up on a ledge. Not a purple circle but still a circle.


Records are there to be broken! We're at a point where the 2008 records are records for ants.


Is this the new way to offload bags to retail? “Simply holding some of our -3X/-2X/-1x”. You couldn’t pay me anything to hold your short exposure😂


This is the best year we’ve had for games in a very long time.


Oh my


had us in the first half ngl
