
Read also:

Glory for Gamestop! Wall Street has no honor! DRS, Shop, comment and hodl the line!


How many of you regards have been searching for Ryan Cohens wife?

Relevant searches on google show people have an interest in Ryan Cohens wife. We truly are a bunch of regards.


Q3 is gonna be 🔥

Outside of many other cool games coming out in Q3, this will probably bump console sales a bit. Let’s go!!!


So Papa is under investigation but yet hedge funds are left unchecked? Yea makes perfect sense 🙄

Article is from September 8th


How do I get rid of this Plan Holdings?

I remember reading that these were being used as locates and and I should terminate it. I got the full shares in Book, but this is still here. Is it as simple as just to sell this? I never thought I would “sell” anything.


It’s not purple but it’s still a sign!

Just chilling outside my hotel room and this thing is sitting up on a ledge. Not a purple circle but still a circle.


Records are there to be broken! We're at a point where the 2008 records are records for ants.


Is this the new way to offload bags to retail? “Simply holding some of our -3X/-2X/-1x”. You couldn’t pay me anything to hold your short exposure😂


This is the best year we’ve had for games in a very long time.


Oh my
