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Not everybody understands the humor of programmers.
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Rules are zero-indexed. If they do not appear zero-indexed you are asked to contact Friend Computer for recalibration.
0. Posts must make an attempt at humor, be related to programming, and only be understood by programmers.
Per this rule, the following post types are not allowed (including but not limited to):
Generic memes that can apply to more than just programming as a professionGeneral tech related jokes/memes (such as "running as administrator", sudo, USB or BIOS related posts and OS memes/jokes)Non-humorous posts (such as programming help)
Content quality
In addition, the following post types will be removed to preserve the quality of the subreddit's content, even if they pass the rule above:
Feeling/reaction postsPosts that are vaguely related to programmingSoftware errors/bugs (please use /r/softwaregore)Low effort/quality analogies (enforced at moderator discretion)
1. No Hotlinking
Hotlinking is not allowed without explicit permission, unless it is obvious that the host allows it (e.g. Imgur or other image hosting services). Rehosting for the purposes of offering a direct link to an image is allowed in the comments.
2. No reposts
All posts that have been on the first 2 pages of trending posts within the last month, is part of the top 200 of all time, or is part of common posts is considered repost and will be removed on sight.
3. Common posts
Any post on the list of common posts will be removed. You can find this list here.
Established meme formats are allowed, as long as the post is compliant with the previous rules.
4. Titles
Titles must also be creative, high effort and relevant to the content. Titles such as “Interesting titleâ€, “.â€, “print(title)â€, and “I don’t know what to put here†are not allowed.
Suggestions are welcome.
With regards to commenting, please follow reddiquette.
If you have any thoughts on how the moderation could be improved do not hesitate to message the moderators.
If you feel that a metadiscussion is required with the whole subreddit either request that the moderators start one
or start one yourself and tag it [Meta].
Perhaps More Apt Subs To Post:
/r/softwaregore - f collection of things that users shouldn't see.
r/pcmasterrace - for all of the general computer/gaming memes.
r/linuxmasterrace - for anyone that likes Linux memes.
/r/sysadminhumor - a sub for sysadmins with a sense of humor.
/r/itsaunixsystem - for all the embarrassing cases of hollywood hacking you find in media.
/r/recruitinghell - for all those horrific recruiting offers and job postings.
/r/programme_irl - me too, thanks.
/r/programmerreactions - expressing the life of programmers through reaction images.
/r/learnprogramming - for those that have general programming questions
Related Subreddits.
r/badcode - for intentially bad code.
r/badUIbattles - a sub for intentionally bad UI.
r/ProgrammerAnimemes - for the anime referenced programmer memes
r/ProgrammerDadJokes - for the punny bunch of you.
/r/justgamedevthings - for memes, reaction gifs, production glitches and other fun related to game development.
r/programminghorror - for unintentionally bad code.
r/css_irl - describing real life photos with CSS
Hackathon 2019 - Overengineering (Results)
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