The Netherlands
The Netherlands

The Netherlands


Train travel a real alternative?

Is this really an alternative at this pricepoint and travel time? It’s 12h by car… and cheaper by flight and doesn’t take you a million years in a cabin you have to share with 5 other people


Can we use this bread after expiry date?

I bought this bread yesterday and today it is going to expire. I eat 2 or 3 breads daily. And many bread slices are remaining. Can I eat this tomorrow too? Previously I was buying the bread which has atleast 5 days expiry. But found that it is a better option to consume daily.


I've noticed these wires on my vacation on almost every house in one street. I'm wondering what they are for?


I think NS is already prepared for Halloween 🕷️


Where do you throw these kinds of plastc wastes? Are they just classified "others"?
