I'm here to tell you all that light refracts off debris and dust, which would indeed allow the entire ring to be visible. This ring shadow is nonsense

Read also:

Who is gonna build a hab on Mars and attempt to grow potatoes.


This man gets it


Why Are Cowboys In Space Games (and movies) An Ever Perpetuating Trope?

What about it?

It seems odd to me, that a circa 1860's lifestyle that is inherently and predominantly a relic American way of life seems to find its way into the medium of space games (and movies) where the backdrop is futuristic and completely devoid of the possibility of "cowboys" and their lifestyle enduring in a galactic society that's dominated by technology and not horses and plucky- minded six shooters. Are people inclined by outer forces to insert cowboys where they don't belong for the sake of grounding the futuristic setting despite it making zero logical sense? Why is it that things like cockroaches can't survive the space genre but cowboys somehow can?


What would make you AVOID a planet?


Quest related content in space

What about it?

So I just went through the direct again and realized, that in this short example of a trait, you seem to not have a comm link with another ship, but are actually giving orders to your crew. This is amazing, as I thought quests and quest related dialogues will only happen on planets (which they mostly will, I assume). Amazing if this will persist through the game!


The only way out of the chess club is death!


Looks like we can venture on foot quite far from our ship.


Hardest 73 days of my life

What about it?

Shamelessly stolen from: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/zpcngu/still_waiting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Character Titles

What about it?

One of the things I’m most excited for are the different titles and ranks for all the in game factions. I especially loved the different art used in Oblivion for each new title given in a guild. I really hope they have something like this in Starfield


Starfield May Be The First Bethesda Game I Play Entirely In Third-Person...What About You?
