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tattoo idea (original design!!)

What about it?

so this is a little sketch i came up with the other day. i’m wondering if i should get it done in just simple clean black lines or add color? obviously the final design would be much more detailed (in the flowers (i literally just did simple ass flowers but i want them to be cherry blossoms) and vines) but i want to keep the rest of it pretty simple. also placement. i’m thinking either on the center of the back or on my thigh. thoughts?


posted on here earlier & received a weird dm?

What about it?

is this a normal thing in this sub lol?


"Open mind" by me, for my future portfolio


Lady head designed by me


How is this for a design?

What about it?

Drawn from reference but how does It look? Especially worried If the shading is in the correct place


Cover up ideas ?

What about it?

Looking to cover up the three guys below the caterpillar. Looking to continue my patchwork with plants, animals and maybe some other random little things and feel like the three guys aren’t dark enough and take away from the look. Any suggestions are good ones (for the most part). Thanks !


To not have their phone die


...to save money by subscribing.


To put Jesus above ALL names.


To label hot and cold temperatures
