Meet Finley

What about it?

At 12 weeks old, he's less than 2 pounds. He's the sweetest baby, but his big sister Izzy is not impressed.

Read also:

Our baby 5 years old shelter rescue


Quincy and Leia


Don’t worry I took the outfit off as soon as I took the pic. But how cute??


what a little angel


Oreo is not a fan of fireworks.

What about it?

Not a cuddler, but this time of year she sticks close..


Sleep well, little huntress.

What about it?

Today I lost one of my best friends. She was 18 years old. She loved chasing birds, stealing food when you weren't looking, basking in the sunlight on a hot summer day and stealing foam toe separators. I was in the 5th grade when I got her, she's outlived half of my life. She was a Christmas present after our family cat died tragically. We picked her up from a foster home when she was a tiny kitten, and we were pals since. She and I had a special bond. She was there for every high and low of my young life. She was so intuitive to emotions and could tell when you needed some love. Every morning I'd wake up to her laying on my pillow. Over the last year her health deteriorated, she lost full use of her back legs and had a hard time walking. She had eventually lost her hearing from her age, but she was always in good spirits. And ate a lot too! That cat was never full! Unfortunately, last night she went downhill fast... and she passed away this morning comfortably. She was the funniest cat. She used to lay outside and play dead to lure unsuspecting birds. She'd also hide under cabinets and swat at your feet when you walked by. And lord help you if she was laying on something you needed, she would not budge. Her name was Maya, she lived a long life, but she's already missed dearly.


Rolls around in her litter like a chinchilla. Send help


One likes to cuddle, one just puts up with it, can you guess which one?


Took in a stray kitten!

What about it?

We found a kitten crying outside of our place just a few moments ago and made the decision to take her in. We already have two cats so we know most of the basic care stuff, but we’ve never had a kitten. We’ll be doing our research and educating ourselves but in the meantime is there any advice you all can offer about raising a kitten? I’m not sure how old she is but she looks as though she can eat solids!


Hello! I would love to share what is my phone wallpaper every December! This is my pretty baby, Binx!
