Why is this brilliant?

What about it?

Why is this brilliant? He moves the bishop in Bd1 and I move the rook in d1 but what if he put the bishop on Bf1? Anyway, this is my first brilliant!

Read also:

Why is this a blunder? I would have won the bishop anyway and queened. That's actually what I did in the game.


A Lovely Accidental Checkmate

What about it?

This was a wild game. Lots of mistakes on both sides (as you might imagine). When I went back and analyzed, I realized that my opponent had mate in 1 on the board but moved the knight away instead of moving the pawn up. I then, totally realized I had mate in 1 and definitely didn’t just accidentally walk my way into it. Fun game!


My first brilliant move. (Actually 2nd but the last time I didn’t have any more free analysis left so I couldn’t go through the game move-by-move)


please help


Am I wrong to decline a draw here? I started playing recently


Why is this not a blunder (took bishop leaving queen hanging), once trades are done can’t white just move queen to avoid fork?


I sacked four pieces to force a mate towards this position, I'm white btw


How this not a brilliant move?

What about it?

I won the game after he captured the bishop.


Why don’t we move up P-h6

What about it?

Why don’t we do that to threaten Bishop? I heard it could be a blunder but why?


So this happened after I told the opponent to try King + queen mate
