This is new, I like it

Read also:

Would you take this?


Dd decided they don't pay drivers for cancelled orders

What about it?

So I pick up a catering order and drive to the drop off address. Its an empty field. I had an order to this same empty field about a month ago. I had contacted the customer who knew they entered the wrong address but said drivers just bring it to their actual address. That time I contacted support and left their order at the store, which im pretty sure they got a refund on and picked up. This time I didn't check the address before leaving. Get to the empty field, called support, they confirmed with customer they entered it wrong and told me she would cancel the order and process my pay after I told her they knew because they did the same thing last month. 15 minutes later I still had the order on my screen. So I chatted them again and they said no compensation even tho I picked up and dropped off at the address in the app. Tldr; Support says they're not gonna pay us anything because the order was placed thru the merchant lol. Our contracts aren't with the merchant, I don't care how they placed the order.


Ben like this all day…

What about it?

And UE has been dead too oh well , catching up on podcasts


New update?

What about it?

Never seen “may need returns”


Good thing I wore my bullet proof vest.

What about it?

Was $14 for 4 mile hand to me order,I stopped and called to let them know I am entering their almost 1/4 Mile drive way , don't shoot me 😮


Good day!! Finally. Started with a $20 order for 3 miles at 7am. I made 50 in 2 hours. Then this evening my evening dash started with $35 for 7 miles and I made $70in two hours. The last delivery left me a few more dollars! Loving today!


Can I still drive while my background check is in process?


A little Thursday night atmosphere @ RA…🍣


Is this the new normal? Also, the "Secured by Persona" part interests me. Which persona are they using here? (If you know, you know)


This violation is so new that support didn't even realize it was a reason for violation.

What about it?

Called support to see if I could get more info on which order I got the violation for. Had to argue with the agent for literally 7 minutes. She kept telling me that wrong order is just a notification not a violation. I kept telling her that I am looking at it and it definitely is a violation. Finally she tells me to dispute it while we're on the phone so she can refresh her system an see what order it is attached to. So I do it, and she "oooohhhhh that IS a violation. Well that's new" so then I ask for more info such a as time, customer name, address. I get told that I can't have any of that. I ask how I am supposed to dispute it when I don't even know what order it was. For reference, I had no stacks, and wasn't multi apping today as I'm grinding AR for top dasher(I like not needing to schedule). Every order was correct. I don't like this at all. A restaurant could pack the wrong items and now we get a violation for that. WTF!
