Am I weird for thinking guys crying is cute?

What about it?

During my ICT final, my crush was noticeably getting anxious towards the last few minutes of the exam, he still had a few questions left but couldn’t solve them in time. As we left the exam room, he started tearing up and he looked away from everyone. I was the first one to notice and, I know this was rude, but I just stared. He put his head down and stretched his sleeves towards his hands, covered his face and wiped his tears. It was quite literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Am I just a creep?

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Found this store while visiting family in a small city in central India.


Someone taped an old phone to the roof of the bus as a prank?

What about it?

This is in edmonton AB


Wheat Thiccs


My new mask


Our elegant little lady


Just a relaxed happy kitty

What about it?

We saved this guy from a bad hoarding situation He knows it...and is a very loving sweet happy cat


Enjoying the morning sun


Snuggled so hard, we lost a head 🥲




Cat was chasing a lizard until it went behind the pool. An hour later and shes in the same exact spot looking the same direction with extreme focus. The only thing shes moving is her tail and ears for hearing. Is any one else’s cat this dedicated to hunting?
