90 degrees in WA state means ice packs for my boy Romeo.

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Show me your offended cats


Having a bad day so here's my cat sleeping weirdly

What about it?

This girl also likes to stretch her entire body against my leg at night.


Always curled up under a flower in our yard.


My weirdo cat loves kale! Is this okay for him to eat!?

What about it?

He ate about 4 small pieces from the plate then sat there and guarded it with his life. I hope it’s fine if he eats it. Pretty sure he will throw it up anyways. He also loves strawberries. Love my weirdo!


Aly saying goodbye to the afternoon sun at the cabin

What about it?

Till Thanksgiving, Aly!


cat suddenly afraid of thunder?

What about it?

hi all. i have an 8 year old kitty. for the past 7 years, we have lived in new jersey together — where we frequently got a lot of thunderstorms. especially in spring/summer. last year, we moved to texas. she has adjusted well and loves our new home. however, this summer - she is suddenly terrified of thunder. she will sink very low to the ground and hide in obscure spots — and this lasts shortly after it’s over as well. we went on vacation last month and left her by herself. (automatic feeder, litterbox, water fountain). could this new fear be from being left alone during something that frightened her? i just want to make sure she feels safe. i’ve never seen her so scared, and it’s really hard to watch.


Isn’t she just the prettiest thing?

What about it?

We just love her, even if she acts more like a squirrel than a cat some days!


Let's go


Passed out


Cutie Pie
