Xbox Series X or S for Starfield?

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I'm a huge fan of space games so starfield will be a must have for me, but I currently play on PS4 and would need to buy a new Xbox. I'm just not sure which one, on one hand the X has the better graphics and overall power, on the other hand the S is around half the price of the X. Do you have any any recommendations for which version I should buy?

Read also:

I really dig the little details on the Starfield controller box


Now I’m ready..

What about it?

New rig. Lots and lots of OT went into the making of this Starfield machine. Never had anything close before.


Sam Witwer ????

What about it?

Does this character look like Sam Witwer or is it just me ?


Made an iPhone wallpaper!


Starfield : Pirates of the Caribbean in Space

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Rewatched the direct recently and the talk about fleets and hiring crew reminded me of one of my favorite games from the original Xbox, Pirates of the Caribbean. My buddy and I spent an entire summer playing this game when we were 11, mostly pirating ships from other factions, adding them to our fleet and hiring a crew to sail them, or selling them or scuttling them after looting them. Recently googled the game to learn more about this core memory of mine, and turns out I’ve be been a fan of Bethesda longer than I thought. The game was published by Bethesda Softworks and Ubi Soft. It really feels like Starfield will bring this same essence of being a scallywag into space! Piracy, smuggling, shipbuilding, exploring, and surveying will consume my free time for the foreseeable future. Less than two months til we plunder!


Do you have in mind the looks of your OC yet? I wish we could try the CC during the waiting

What about it?

I always recreate the same OC if possible


how do these things fly? they look more like swimmers than flyers.


This is like having my ex wife’s name on me

What about it?

My YouTube channel got deleted around 400k subscribers like 6 months after I got this. I’ve since gotten the channel back (after years of appeals) but for a long time I got to stare at a large, blown out, badly shaded logo… of a company that had effectively “fired me” for no good reason.


Caught in the wild


What was she going for?
