Why tho?

Read also:

Black got too chill after winning my queen


Chess.com waited 3~4 sec before showing the “You Win” banner and I almost got a heart attack while searching for the bishop lol


why is this brilliant i have literally no idea 😭


Happy I got a nice mate in 4 after being down a queen


FYI, this is not how you defend against Wayward Queen


I won by accident

What about it?

I moved my rook there trying to buy time, I didn't realise it was a checkmate lmao


Why is this an invalid position? (All pieces are visible, there's nothing behind the dialogue box)


We played 100% the book opening and he bailed for no reason becauae he thinks his queen got trapped.

What about it?

Vienna Game


chess.com's progress graphs are great but is there a way to figure out your estimated progress growth?

What about it?

These progress graphs are great! 👍 Other than having played a few games in my life I pretty much started on March 16, 2022. So it's been almost 16 months. In the beginning I had elo ratings in the 300s sometimes; flash forward to today and I'm sitting at 1457 with a peak of 1467. I love how you can see your highs and lows and your progress over time in a simple but helpful graph. Although here goes my question... I don't think chess.com has anything like this, but is there a way to estimate what your future elo will be after "x" amount of time in the future? Like currently I started in the 300s, after ~5 months I was generally able to hold onto 1000+, after ~16 months I'm rocking an elo that's close to 1500, what's a good estimate to what my elo will be after 2 years based on this info? How about 3 years? Any simple way to predict/estimate this? Thanks guys and good luck on the chess journeys! May we all get to that point where we have fun while also at least FEELING like grandmasters one day! 👍 Personally I've had a lifetime goal of 2000+ elo for a long time now but I started in my 30s and everyone has different goals while enjoying this amazing game.


A miss click and if says it's good?

What about it?

Gave up my queen on accident.
