Since people were showing off their first ever brilliant moves

Read also:

Why is this a stalemate?


Mate in 2

What about it?

This is my earliest checkmate!


Can you guys see the move for white? I did


My First brilliant move

What about it?

My first brilliant.


Black to play and win a queen

What about it?

In the game I played Nxc7+ and my opponent took the knight with his Queen. Then I could play Qe7#. Had he taken with his bishop I would’ve taken the Queen with my bishop. Sacking a knight and a bishop for a Queen and a pawn


How often do such close games happen around 1200-1250+? Here it was all about creating and pushing that passed pawn, is that atypical? Yeah, I missed that bishop X-ray, and I did an inaccuracy which could have cost me my pawn, but overall that was an 86 vs 77 accuracy game at around 1150 elo each


I lost 3/4 of these games due to mis-clicks, seems like playing on phone isn't a wise choice


I just captured a pawn, lol


Fun tactic I found in one of my games. It took a move for me to see it, can you spot it faster?


Can you find the move in this position that wins an exchange?
