Is this some kind of threat?

What about it?

So I live in a duplex, there’s a top floor & a bottom floor, I live in the bottom section. The past few weeks no one has been living above me so they’ve been remodeling that section. Well a couple nights ago some guys had been up there hammering away all day, and the noise ordinance is for 10pm so I thought “okay they are here really late, but they’ll probably leave at 10pm so it’s fine.” They didn’t leave at 10, they kept on going, so around 1130 I shouted up there that “me & my 6 year old are trying to sleep and it’s time for them to go home tomorrow is another day.” (The floor is thin and you can clearly hear what people are saying in the other apartment) so I guess that pissed them off and they got even louder throwing shit down as hard as they could & just being complete “assholes.” That’s when I sent this text to my landlord and this is what he replied with that next morning.

Read also:

Got fired because an upset customer left a bad review! Over something I had no control of.

What about it?

Backstory, customer is a regular that frequently comes in. He’s always been stand offish and fairly cold to me anytime he came in. Full disclosure I’m a large 6’3 black man(relevant later). I always greet and treat him like any other customer. Yesterday he came in visibly upset with a vape he previously had purchased. When he entered I was currently working with another customer however I still greeted him(to let him know I was aware of him/would be right with him). He chooses to interrupt the customer I was checking out to demand I replace his faulty vape. I inform him of the store policy that we can not return ect faulty vapes after one has left the store. He gets upset, I try to finish up with my previous customer but he’s still lingering and trying to get me to replace the vape. He asks me if he can send it to the manufacturer thru the owner of the shop. I inform him I’m unaware if he can do that or not but I’d assume not. He gets upset and decides to just leave his vape on the desk and walk out. Mind you this all happens while I’m trying to work with another customer. Fast forward several hours my former boss comes in and tells me this will be my last shift. He informs me the customer left a 1 star review on google. This meant I was not a good fit. I brought up the language in the review and the fact the owner could easily look at the cameras and see how I interacted with the customer. The language of the review def gives me the impression this man has prejudice against me for my race imo. Which explains the demeanor he treated me with always. The owner did not care and let me go. TLDR: got fired because a customer left a vaguely racist review due to his $24.99 vape not working. Company did not defend its employee but sided with customer. I highly suggest not shopping at uptown smokes in Indianapolis if you ever visit!


Have you heard? Apparently the definition of optional changed overnight…

What about it?

Skipping the phone number “option” and now I can’t proceed until I provide a phone number. Good ‘ol data collection.


This cone blocking a parking spot in a parking lot with no valet service and plenty of open spots!


Guess which Toyota C-HR is mine


The floor after my boyfriend repotted his plant 3 days ago

What about it?

It was a big plant tho 🤷


Gas pumps that play loud advertisements and videos while you pump


Starbucks sent me this shit, it says “not for retail sale”


Somebody abandoned their garbage cart after enjoying Costco food samples


Self entitled wealthy neighbour's response to simple question

What about it?

My question to my neighbour was this: "<<name>> how long are the renovations going on for?" And then the rest is on the image. For about 2 weeks now he's been banging and clattering at 7am, having scaffolding for this, ladders for that, and often the workmen will block our single track lane that's only wide enough for one car. I brought my son home from school today to be greeted by one guy in an Audi and a white van blocking the lane, and not bothering to move. As I said, this has been going on for a couple of weeks and I'd not said anything up to this point, because he's doing his house up - it makes a noise and mess, I get that. So I text him, and he's on the defensive straight away. I purposely don't engage in his aggression and try to get my point across. I know full well he'll say nothing to any workmen from now until they're finished because no one but him matters on the lane. Then to try and financially shame me with the jibe at the end truly speaks to the kind of person he is. He had a 65" projector in his garage that he'd turned into a cinema room. But that wasn't enough so he extended his house and bought a 55" OLED TV. I know this because he subtly leaves the boxes out by the bins at the front so we can all see. I googled it, it was about £3500 (at the time). Then two weeks later (no exaggeration) there's a box outside for a 75" OLED TV next to the 65" one, coming in at £4500. When I've got enough disposable income to upgrade my house I will do it. Really not in the mood for arrogant, up their own a*se "I've got more money than you so therefore am better than you" thunderc*nts. You could say I'm mildly infuriated.


I have to pay for the privilege of picking it up myself
