Caught my favourite three legged boy mid yawn

Read also:

There is confusion on how to use the cat bed


My sweet boy Triscuit at his first lake trip!


tuxedo tortie Cat from greece??

What about it?

My best friend is in greece right now and sending pictures of the many stray cats This one is very pretty but i’m abit confused by its pattern, never heard of a tuxedo with some tortie spots before but that looks like what’s going on here, very interesting


Staring into the void when I realized the void was staring back


Plant name

What about it?

Hello everyone! This stealthy lady right here is nameless. She’s a feral and now she’s almost 2 yo. She (with her 3 siblings) was born and grew on my gramma’s balcony. I was still thinking to this day a name for her, but nothing came up that really fitted her. And now I have an idea but I need your help. Can someone please recognize the plant on her right side? She’s her favourite spot out of all the balcony. Maybe the plant’s name is cool enough to name the cat after.


Expensive cat bed? No, bags

What about it?

I was thinking of getting a bigger bed and maybe just filling it with bags (maybe some catnip)


Share your cats photoshoots


My cat judging all of you.


[Image]Its okay to have bad time


