Spay for my 5 year old.

What about it?

Hello everyone. This is Miss.Bun. I am looking to get my baby spayed. She isn’t really a baby, she is 5 years old. But she is my baby. I thought i was finally in a good financial position to have to spayed, only to call around to several different places and be quoted between $700-$900!!! Anyone is Arizona have any resources? Any suggestions for a reasonably priced vet? I need help! I want her to live a long and happy and healthy life!

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so it begins


So how about those carts


Old and half broken equipment? *Corporate* Fixed and like new!


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What about it?

New print system is such a pain in the ass to use since it only does batches of 10, so I deadass had to stand here for like 12 minutes to print these just to toss em


Anyone know what this is?


So this is the photo computer in bakery it’s a bible verse in background how do we get this off


Tc70 daily availability default region fix

What about it?

New TC default sign in region to Japan instead of US. Is there a way to fix this?


This is how my team lead likes the team to stock.

What about it?

Such a waste of food everything on the bottom will go bad. And we just pile it all on top.


Does anyone know if this cup is official?


Made this meme after a meeting today
