Shhh he’s dreaming 🐰 💭

Read also:

fluffy lad


Fro Fro and his monkey friend 🐵🐰


Buld had a long day 🤣🤣🤣


Oh, to be a bunny on a summer night devouring a pile of pellets and then falling asleep


Poor Sweep was too tired to make it onto his bed before succumbing to the zzzz


Just Bonnie, being overly cute.

What about it?

Isn't she irresistible?


Is this colour of urine a cause for concern?

What about it?

I’ve seen it a few times lately and I told myself it was fine but should I be worried? It came from my 10 month old unspayed female rabbit. Can it be due to stress because she and my other female rabbit had a fight recently and I had to separate them for a bit. If anyone needs anymore context, please ask in the comments.


Hi, New Bunny Owner.

What about it?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Idk what I’m doing. Little back story, I took this cute little hopper in because my niece’s grandmother was going to get rid of him. My niece couldn’t take it because she has two cats and two dogs. Soooo, here I am trying to be the best parent I can be to the little guy. Is this a great start?!? help.


Spay for my 5 year old.

What about it?

Hello everyone. This is Miss.Bun. I am looking to get my baby spayed. She isn’t really a baby, she is 5 years old. But she is my baby. I thought i was finally in a good financial position to have to spayed, only to call around to several different places and be quoted between $700-$900!!! Anyone is Arizona have any resources? Any suggestions for a reasonably priced vet? I need help! I want her to live a long and happy and healthy life!


so it begins
