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I love this mf

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Shout out to my bunny living his best life

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Phantom has been through a lot this year. He lost his life partner, went blind, and hit his 10th birthday. In some ways, he’s the happiest I’ve seen him. Pictured here, he is chilling, grinding his teeth, after consuming many treats.



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I honestly just joined Reddit to read something so this is my first post, have a picture my (very spoiled) boy. His name is the title of this post and he's a Flemmish giant/chinchilla mix




Free Roam Bunny = No sleep..?

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Am I the only person out there who’s raising the equivalent of a crying baby with a rabbit? I have a free roam dutch rabbit who hops up on my bed every morning to wake me for his breakfast pellets. What started as a 7am wake up has gotten earlier and earlier to the point that it’s now closer to 4:30am consistently. Any tips or tricks on ending this? I’m contemplating if I need to change his feeding schedule. But that could turn into him dragging me out of bed if he doesn’t get them! I live in a loft so the only door I have is to the bathroom lol.


(no title)

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That moment when your big-ass hand grabs too much hay, so you try to put some back (ya know, to save money), but your bunny grunts at you and chases you off. Guess she won't need replenishment very soon!


I'm a baribe boy


Koko and Mouse

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Koko is on watch duty whilst Mouse is taking a nap


Unlike her brother, Strawberry doesn't think watermelon is the most beautiful thing she's ever seen.


Recs for a good rabbit brush?

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My boy is a sheddy beast! I need something to help him shed quicker that wont bother his skin. Thanks!


How to encourage a bunny to eat who has less appetite from pain medication?

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Noodle had her molars trimmed down 3 days ago. She is on pain medication twice a day, and she is eating but not very much. The first 2 days I gave her critical care 3 times a day as per the vets instructions, and it was a nightmare. She is extremely difficult to catch, even more difficult to wrap in a burrito, and the whole process is clearly very traumatizing for her. She nibbles on hay, pellets, and greens but mostly from my very insistent hand. That process takes a long time too, but it’s easier on both of us. I am in regular contact with the vet, and if she isn’t eating enough I have critical care on hand. But since she seems willing to eat and has some appetite, I’m hoping to get enough food in her so we don’t need the critical care. It’s up to her whether she wants to eat or not, but what are some of your buns favorite foods and treats? Or any ways I can entice her to eat her normal food more?
