Newbie bun owner questions..

What about it?

Hi! I brought home two sisters yesterday. They are 12 weeks old and Teddywidder/Fuzzy Lops. From what I can tell, they are adjusting really well; I’ve seen some zoomies, lots of normal poops, and they’ve made a complete mess of their home base which makes me super happy. So my questions (I’ve tried to do as much research as possible but still have what could be considered dumb questions). 1. The white bun (Pom Pom) zooms a lot and she’s hit the wooden house a few times. It sound pretty loud and I’m wondering if that’s dangerous to her. Perhaps I should rearrange? 2. In my research I read that you shouldn’t go into their home base while they’re in there for the first couple of weeks because they could see that as predatory and it may slow the bonding process. I may be overthinking it, but I want to do right by them. So, is that true? If so, how do I clean up and refill their hay, water, food? They’re able to roam about the room they’re in but the brownish one (Fluffernutter) likes her house. 3. Can anyone recommend a place to buy a premade emergency kit? I checked the wiki and the links are no longer valid. The list of things that should go into it is overwhelming. I do have critical care, gas drops, and a thermometer already on hand.

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