1 y

Guys I found colonialism pictures!

Read also:
1 y

Caption this 🤣🤣🤣

1 y

Proud of JJ and tobi for honoring their ancestors 🙏


DIY outdoor burrow ideas?

What about it?

Has anyone made a burrow for their rabbit? My rabbit family lives mostly inside but they play outside in a covered run sometimes. They love being outside and I want to create a burrow area in their run. I’ve seen people create them with hvac tubing connected to buckets in the ground but want things to be safe obviously. Just wondering if anyone has any experience building one for their bun?


As a long time lurker, I had to share this majestic photograph of Freddy


Benjamin loves locking metal, is this okay?

What about it?

We have had Benny for a few weeks now, and he's settled in really well, he loves running around the house and we haven't had an issue with chewing. The only weird thing is he loves licking anything metal. Could he be too hot, is this normal?


Mia did not agree with my newly caught buddy 💀


My dude looks big during the winter


Bun helps human prepare for job interview.

What about it?

Beefy wants to know where you see yourself in 5 years.


FML! 3 bouts of GI Stasis in 3 days?? Essay below...

What about it?

On Thursday afternoon, I noticed one of my female buns (Luna) was acting 'off', so brought her indoors for observation, and she was exhibiting signs of gut discomfort. She was booked in for neutering on Friday, which we had to cancel. She was given the trio of meds we always have on hand; Metacam (pain), infacol (gas) and emeprid (gut motility), plus Fine Grind Critical Care every 3 hours. She improved somewhat, and spent the night in our 'ICU' - our bedroom. After a sleepless night of giving her meds at different intervals, she finally improved, and by the afternoon was back to her normal Luna-tic self. Then an hour later, I noticed another of my Does (Woozy) was acting 'off', so brought HER in, and the cycle repeated itself. Another night of medicine and critical care and f*ck all sleep. 😮‍💨 I was confused and worried, TWO bouts of Stasis in as many days?? Thankfully, Woozy improved overnight, and by morning was binkying around and back to normal again. (I swear she just wanted to sleep in our bedroom overnight 😆) Then yesterday evening, I noticed ANOTHER of our Does, Silkie Chimkins, was acting odd, and was 'clucking' at me when I stroked her. She's been with us for 18 months, and has NEVER 'clucked' before. She refused her favourite herb, dill, so we brought HER in, administered the trio of meds, plus Critical Care, and waited ... And waited... By 6am, she was still not much better, so we have her another dose of Emeprid, and I finally got a couple of hours sleep. When I woke up, she had eaten a fair bit of fresh food, and hay, and had popped maybe 20 smallish poops, and I was hopeful she was over the worst of it! But no, she then descended into a non-reqctive state, so we called our vets and got an emergency appointment, and they gave her a check over, and intravenously gave her Metacam and Emeprid, as her tummy wasn't moving well enough to absorb the medicine by mouth. When we got home, she seemed more alert, and ate a fair bit of food before a half hour nap, then did some running around and ate some more. I hope she's on the road to recovery... 🤞😓 We have no idea what could have caused this, their diets are all this: > Unlimited fresh hay > egg cup of good nuggets per day > fresh leafy greens, and herbs, and a small amount of carrot sometimes. > occasional treats, once per day. The only thing I can think of, is the weather here in the southeast UK took a turn for the worse, and was very windy and rainy for the past 4 days. The vet had the opinion this could have been a factor too. All the other buns (I have 10 in total) are absolutely perfect and happy, and they all eat exactly the same food, hay, and nuggets (just in different proportions for the ones on a diet). Has anyone else experienced this weird domino effect? I'm paranoid it's going to keep going through them all, and I don't know why! I have been a bin parent for just over 5 years now, and have dealt with more than my share of Stasis and sick bunnies, but never 3 in as many days. 😧😫


