My cat pissed a heart for me. Cute(?)

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I am concerned about my cat’s health. His poop has strange white things.

What about it?

Recently I changed his diet from dry food to wet food. I did it following advice from a veterinary (slowly, over 2 weeks until nowadays that I only feed him with canned wet food and jelly food). He is an indoor cat, we live in an apartment, the only thing that could come from the exterior would be something that my flatmates cat brought from their village, but both cats do not expend a lot of time together. I insert a picture of my cat’s poop, in case someone can help me before going to the vet, and if I need to take him to the vet what should I take with me (like a sample of his poop or something) Thanks in advance and sorry for my poor English.


My lbs tuxedo is enjoying her new bed. Intended receipent for scale.


emo halloween cat twins raised on heavy metal vinyl


Be careful at the dangerous roaming predator

What about it?

She keeps her inside manners outside. That is what that makes her so lovable.


This one opens freezers and takes out popsicles in the middle of a power outage 😩


I woke up my brothers cat to say hi. She was not pleased.

What about it?

She was staring me down like Beerus for any Dragonball super fans.


"Draw me like one of your French girls."


Stella looking like she’s done wrong.

What about it?

I see her in the sun but the last time she was in our not so much together guest room she peed on the temporary blow up mattress.


crazy face, thinking how to get her human out of bed 😹


Are All Tuxedo Cat's Eyes Green?

What about it?

She is sitting on my chest purring so I was able to take the shot with her eyes open
