Week Over

What about it?

Well I made my $800 goal I set for myself. Worked a total of 37.68 hours. Drove 382 miles received $113.00 extra in cash tips.

Read also:

So finally had a Closure for once and for all.

What about it?

I got to read lots of comments on the post yesterday about the deactivation. I appreciate all your outputs there. I appealed but got denied and since it’s closure to the Dasher Journey. And since its the end here just a little advice to all my brother and sister out there. 1) Don’t think of it as a Full time secured job even though you do it as a full time gig. 2) Same some money to last you least a month or two. 3) Always know you could be deactivated anytime even without a slight notice. 4) Last but not the least, even you get deactivated like I did, don’t ever lose hope and think of it as a blessing for there are better things that is waiting for you and you just did not have the courage to start and this might be the Universe telling you to change the direction to the journey you were meant to be. I always support my fellow dasher no matter what and I know how hard we work to make sure the customer get their order in time. Take care y’all. Happy Dashing 🫡 Respect to each and every one of you that are out there ✌️


Local street gang blocked the road


WOW! $114,000 last year doing DoorDash.

What about it?

I have so many questions. Hawaii sounds nice


This is a first

What about it?

Anybody else ever get a name in a foreign language?


So Hawaii it is eh? 😂😂


guess the tip


How was your Saturday.

What about it?

It was Super hot yesterday in Las Vegas I worked about 9 hours. Starded at 230pm nd around 1140 pm. Paused dash for 30 minutes to eat and hydrate. I think this was a great day. At least for me. How you do? Would this be a good day for you?.


This is a first… anyone else seen this yet?

What about it?

Although I don’t use this option, I always click on it to see if they’ve upped the rate.


My folder of saved doordash addresses that were problems or bad tippers save me tonight on a stacked order.

What about it?

Had a stacked order for $15 going about four and a half miles. So I accepted it and then once I did I looked at the addresses and compared them to my doordash folder and sure enough one of them was in there. After dropping it my order total dropped from $15 to $12.75 so it was the right one. Fu Doordash 🤣


Priorities, baby
