Talk about lucky. 1.5 miles from pickup.

Read also:

Broski from JiTB hooked it up w the Grapeberry Sprite🥴😮‍💨


Didn't leave his sight!



What about it?

order contingent on getting the customer cigarettes, never received the message asking for cigarettes only the yes or no would be nice. finally something i thought was good enough to post lol.


I doordashed a cappuccino from McDonald’s and received this ????


Are y'all actually accepting orders like this??!!!!🙄😒

What about it?

This is why I can't get my AR back up And make decent money, bullshit orders like this been coming in for months now but this week has been pure insanity. I got my AR back up to 80% within the matter of two days it's now at 53%. The lowest I've ever been was 60%... This shit is extremely frustrating! Saddest part? The customer think their ordering from around the corner but in reality door dash is up charging you to get cold food that has to come from across town smh.



What about it?

HOW.. WHY? Soooo now it’s the dashers fault when restaurants take a while to hand off the food? I communicate ALL the time with EVERY customer if the food is taking even 3 minutes too long!!! What should i do? I even called to try and explain and all they said is it will be reviewed with 10 days 😑 2 weeks basically! This is basically one of my main sources of income… How do they just do that?? No CVs, 5.00 customer rating, 89% AR, 96% CR, 87% On time/Early . If it was taking long I used the “order still not ready” and reported the restaurant, I DID EVERYTHING RIGHT Completely not fair…


Only a cup of ice?! 😂


Mama we made it

What about it?

Looks like only about 1/10 people leave reviews…


What do ya think?


Testing 80%AR 5.0 rating and Pizza program (less than 100 lifetime)

What about it?

So today a test will I will be doing is seeing what I can get with these current statistics. Today is sunday and I’ll be starting around 2pm and I’ll be back around 2 am so 12 hours not the busiest market but not the slowest market either I should be able to get 200 easily with my normal stats so let’s see what I get I’ll SS any cool orders and post in the comments. Wish me luck guys!
