Ash and Moss doing their best smoosh

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🎵she works hard for the money🎵


Today we celebrated my sweet tripod boy, Spooky Mulder’s 13th birthday!

What about it?

I wanted to share because I love celebrating him so much. He’s the love of my life. I adopted him when he was 2 months old in 2010, I was in college and needed a friend. He has taught me so much in life. We have grown together. ❤️


Going on my honeymoon for a week and leaving this boy with the in-laws. Excited for the trip but devastated to leave him behind. Rarely been away from him this long.


Who else wakes up to their buns on the bed?

What about it?

They're pretty cute but it's still rather jarring to find them watching you 1st thing in the morning....


Just spotted a bunny.. anyone know what breed this is ? I tried catching it so it wouldn’t be on the road but lead it to houses near me. It wasn’t fast but I couldn’t catch it.



What about it?

My poor baby with sore hocks finally got his little socks in the mail!


Any advice on how to make her shed faster?

What about it?

I've had her for four years now, and everytime she's shedding it lasts around a month, I brush her hair daily but still lots and lots of hair come out! Any advice? Can I make this process faster or should I just settle with her pace?


You are in MY way of the kitchen table!! Perhaps I'll use you as a ladder instead.


She’s a fashionista


Kookie wanted to molt like the Pringles mascot
