iphone 12 pro

What about it?

anyone know what this means?? on iphone 12 pro!

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Orange microphone indicator always on.

What about it?

I have turned off all voice control options, I turned off microphone access to all of my calls. I always have the orange indicator on. It always says the phone app is using it, but I won’t even be on a call. I can’t find an answer anywhere.


Been getting this pop up on my phone

What about it?

Does anyone know how to get rid of it safely? (im so sorry if the flair is wrong)


Options? Apple wants $450 to repair fathers screen

What about it?

My old man told me he woke up to his iPhone max 12 like this. Absent cracks, equipped with an official apple case, lack of observable damage, and a history of being very careful with his phone I believe him. That said, apple requires $450 to do a screen repair. To me this looks like more a pixel issue than screen damage. Other companies that have similar display issues typically will rma it or replace for free or nominal amount. Any cheaper options solutions than what apple offered? The experience and customer support options left a pretty orr taste in my mouth. But don’t let my frustration distract from a solution! Thanks in advance.


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Retired stray mama and her son with very different reactions to a repair man


How dare you not giving anything to the lil cuttie


Chimichanga bestows eye bleach for all


what are these files, and is it safe to delete them?


new meme template: Linus's "OK" certification


My drawing of Doffy without his shades!
