Hi Everyone my name is Snowy 🩷

Read also:

Sweetest boy is suddenly lunging at me how to fix it?

What about it?

Little boy Link on the left has been feeling very territorial lately and is now lunging at me and grunting whenever I touch the litter box. I was recently bunnysitting a friend's un-neutered male rabbit in a different room for 2 weeks, and I guess I was not careful enough with smells. Does anyone have advice on how to fix this?


I think Kit might have sore hocks and i’m not sure why

What about it?

I’ve noticed that when i trim Kit’s nails i see pink skin on the back of his foot area (like the heel area on a human). It doesn’t seem to be irritated, there just isn’t hair. I’m confused because none of my other rabbits have this, and they are housed on soft blankets and free roam on carpet. What could this be from? (i apologize for not having a picture, i don’t want to stress him out right now by picking him up).


Dorian sleeping with his eyes open


Please chew with your mouth closed 😤


JFC why is he so beautiful???


every time I pick him up, he does the Superman! 🤣


Smol baked potato baby 🥔


One of these boxes belongs to my cats, and the other belonged to my rabbits. Can you guess which is which?


Ear Medication

What about it?

The new boy “August/Augustine” I rescued from shelter has some ear infection and I have to do drops (and a cleanser 15 min before) twice a day for 2 weeks. I live alone and my friends have moved to other cities so basically I have no one to help me. He fights to get away so hard and makes it difficult to hold him down… Makes me a nervous wreck since its my first ear medication too! I literally cried this morning next to him cause how bad I am at this… I fear it might affect our new relationship too… And I don’t have a car to take him to vet twice a day, doubt the 12 hour interval works with office hours 😑 (That’s his temp enclosure cause he is being bonded) Any suggestions?


Dave likes to wear Jim’s ear like a hat ⁣🤪🐰
