My son, Appa

Read also:

Kind Heart Rescue-babies in dumpster!

What about it?

These babies were placed in a plastic bag and thrown in a dumpster. I was contacted by the shelter that had them. They are at a vet overnight, coming here in the morning. Prayers and vibes please…Looking for a nursing mom. Hard to hand raise at this age, but I will give it my all of one can’t be found. 😞🤬


hi .


That booty


My rabbit

What about it?

I have a 6 year old dutch rabbit named Scooter. His nickname is Dinner.


Haru got tuckered out running around 🐰😴


Help with lil bro on my bed

What about it?

Hey, Trigger is my lil dude and he likes to jump around on my bed and snuggle onto my face and basically jump on my back while I relax. I have a new setup for him with a hide he can jump on. If I move it he could go on my bed when he pleases. Now he is very intelligent so when he is done with me and is also on my bed, lil bro just jumps back into his area. Here’s my question, would it be a bad idea to have him have the ability to just freely jump on my bed and back into his x-pen? Or to avoid him potentially causing trouble should I keep it as is so he can’t? Lil bro for reference


Bedtime for Bunny


I’m so jealous of his eyelashes❤️❤️little does he know women pay to have lashes like that. He should consider himself lucky.


Update on the babies from my foster rabbit! Mum has rejected one baby who I now have to hand rear. I'm an exotics vet nurse, so he is in good hands, but this will be hard. Buns are notoriously difficult to hand rear unfortunately

What about it?

I found him kicked out of the nest, cold and skinny. He had lost weight from when I first weighed everyone and is underweight. He's only 3 days old poor chicken. He is warmer now and took a good feed where he tried to suckle and take it willingly, so that's a good sign. It tired him out though, so he's been sleeping a lot of the afternoon. Bless him, I will do what I can to help him through but there's a high chance he will pass away unfortunately.


What could this be, vet told me it’s nothing to worry about but it seems to be getting worse and now there’s a growth even so I think I’m going back to the vet. (Vet is specialized in rabbits)
