[Image] If you seek happiness through wealth you will never find it.

What about it?

Bob Marley once said, “Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to buy happiness, your search will never end,” meaning that if you seek happiness through wealth you will never find it. In the novel The Great Gatsby, F.

Read also:

[Image] Get Sharing, and Get the Results


[Image] Nothing needs you more than this present moment.

What about it?

The time is NOW!


Sharks are doing it right[image]


[Image] Every moment that passes by is an opportunity to live life! If we stop trying to open those doors that pass us by, we might lose on great opportunities. The world is not against you. You were already born and reading this. That means life already has and is giving you a chance. Grab it!


[Image] Respect Yourself Enough to Say NO!


[image] True power comes with observation and handling tough situations with composure.


I am 30 days sober today, it may not seem a lot but it's a huge victory for me. I wanted to celebrate with you guys. [Image]


[Image] Reflect on Yourself


[Image] Get this.......


[Image] It may not sound significant, but we all know the compounding effects of small and consistent amounts over time. You just have to be patient and dedicated. Same as what the book ATOMIC HABITS talks about. Small tweaks that lead to incredible changes. Can you think of small things you can do?
