I jusr bought a PS5 from Best Buy a few days ago. I should've waited lol

Read also:

Shadow Man devs be like:

What about it?

Playing through Shadow Man (Remastered) for the first time ever and while I mostly enjoy the Metroidvania aspect and navigational challenge, the maze-like level design in combination with the lack of a functional map screen can definitely become a bit much at times lol. There is a (static) map, but it is so rudimentary that its usefulness is quite limited. Other than that, I was really surprised by how intricate (for an N64 title) the story and world-building are and how thick the atmosphere is in this game, some areas are downright disturbing (much of which is owed to the music and sound design, which are top-notch).


Give me one game for each PlayStation system/generation


In which order would you play these?

What about it?

I haven’t played any of these (except for the remakes, I’ve played their originals multiple times) what would you play next and in what order. I’m playing RDR2 for the first time and I want to play through this list before I buy anything new.


Anyone else a huge fan of reversible covers and think all games should have them?


Bloodborne GOTY edition - any way to remove ad for PlayStation Hits version on PS5 home screen ?

What about it?

I purchased the game of the years edition of Bloodborne in the (EU) PlayStation Store and have the game installed on my PS5. When the game is selected, this advertisement shows up for the PlayStation Hits version. Doesn’t make sense since the exact same base game is included in the GOTY version I purchased. Is there any way to dismiss / remove this ad?


My ps5 won’t connect to my Ethernet cable

What about it?

So I’ve already bought a new Ethernet cable for my ps5 and it keeps saying can’t obtain IP address within the time limit (CE-109503-8). I’ve used two different cables and it does recognise it but then when I set it up it times out and gives me the message above, I’ve already restarted both my router and ps5. Any help would be appreciated.


Misny made the front page: You know what he's gonna do


Cleveland dot com, you be crazy


Just think what Trump could do for Cleveland


Music in Cle

What about it?

Did you know about this?
