My dad about 6 weeks before he had a brain aneurysm and passed away on March 26 2018. He had a motorcycle accident and spent 10 months fighting in the ICU. I miss him all the time

Read also:

My sister's boyfriend on her graduation day, he died later that day in a motorcycle accident. This photo was used at his funeral.


Last picture taken on my 14 yo brothers camera before he committed suicide in 2020

What about it?

My brother loved photography and he was a part of yearbook club at his school and they had a “color run” and so naturally he had his camera out, he attempted suicide the next day and died from his injuries 2 weeks later


Inger Stevens at some NY fashion event before her tragic death a few months later in 1970


Troubled Actor Verne Troyer seen weeks before he sadly took his own life


The last picture I took of my college roommate before he OD'ed (Bonnaroo Music Festival 2017)


My Gram passed away on Sunday💔

What about it?

Today would’ve been their 65th wedding anniversary


98-year-old Joan Meyer confronts the police searching the Marion, Kansas home she shared with her son, a newspaper publisher. He thinks the stress of the raid contributed to her death a day later.


My grandmother on her 100th birthday party in January. She passed 2 months later.

What about it?

The matriarch of our family. Badass, bourbon swigging, and caring until the end.


Last image of Prigozjin before he went flying near Moscow.


This is a picture of my Mum holding my face on her final night. I miss her so much. I’m crying just writing this. She would have done anything for anyone and had the kindest sweetest most angelic soul. One more moment to say goodbye is all I wanted. Love you and miss you every day Mum xxxx
