When you've been in NEO for too long

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Cleveland pd Facebook posted this lol. Do they have beef with bib?


Misny making 'em pay all the way in Geneva on the Lake

What about it?

It had been awhile since I'd been to GOTL but was passing through today -- this is one of the first signs you see before you enter. I'm sure this sign is very intimidating for all those bikers, might even scare some away 🤣


Looks like someone’s channeling Warhol


Cleveland has the best tippers in the country at an average of 20.6%


Andy Warhol with Dionne Warwick only a few days before he died of Arrhythmia


One of the last photos taken of my bisnonno before he died on July 23, 2010 in Gaeta, Italy. This photo was used for his memorial photo and was taken when he was visiting his family in the US.


One of the last photos of Disney star Bobby Driscoll before his life ended sadly


Last image of Moumen Al Beirouti, (the brides brother) before he was shot and killed by the grooms brother

What about it?

A terrible tragedy which happened in Lebanon on the 19th August. Apparently the two men got into a dispute regarding who was going to transport the bride. A truly senseless death. He is the one in the beige shirt.


Last image of Sunshine Wood before she went missing in Feb 2004 from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada


My cousin just a few months before his death from fentanyl laced cocaine
