Can someone please edit out the other people in this pic? My son (wearing a Seth Rollins mask) and my husband (on the left) snapped a selfie with Seth Rollins. We want to frame the print for my son. I can tip $5. Thank you!! He’s so excited!!
Can Someone Photoshop CM Punk (The Wrestler) in place of the bear, have it say "CM Punk" instead of Charmin, and enlarge "Ultra Soft" a bit? $50 to what will look the best on a big sign to print out
My brother passed away 2 days ago. Can someone please remove his GF & add a nice background? He may need to be flipped in the photo to look more natural. Will tip best one 🙠Thank you 💜
10# for HELP I need someone to make a flyer with the pull off number tabs on bottom for the best chimpanzee noise for a prize of 100$ best impersonations. Contest goes on until Dec. 15th with the number 561-543-9991.