Magic dot

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My 19yr old girl sleeping on her heating pad!

Busy day of loves and cuddles 🥰


17 year old moo moo

Moo moo is not well at the moment and she might be spending her last week with us pending test results. I don’t know what I’m going to do if we have to send her over the rainbow bridge. She’s been in our lives for so long, my heart is breaking.


Two 19 year old kitties enjoying their day


Who says seniors (20 years) can't learn technology?

Shhh...he's on the phone. Calling the catnip dealer.


my 19 yo baby

my sweet buford ❤️ yes he is crushing my windpipe


Hector is 19


Tyler (not quite 17) and his growing list of diagnoses

Tyler has had high blood pressure and a heart murmur for quite a while (years). Just found out from his last vet visit that he has urinary crystals and is hyperthyroid. Switching foods to help with the crystals, and he’ll be starting medication for his thyroid as well, to go along with his blood pressure medication. Vet did say that he seems healthy other than these issues - lungs, kidneys, bones, joints, etc all looked good on x-rays. I’m a little worried about the newest findings because I know urinary blockages are very serious and I’m not very familiar with hyperthyroid other than knowing it causes them to lose weight (he’s 9.6 pounds, down from 14 when he was a much younger kitty).
