Found this at a local botanical garden. Central KY. What is it?

Read also:

whos this guy

saw him on my arm and smashed. sorry. okc, oklahoma.


Who is this handsome little dude?

Found in my kitchen sink in London, maybe 1 inch long


Can someone please ID this bug? I have a good idea of what it may be since me and my partner woke up with itchy bug bites but I want to be sure. Thank you!


Found in southeast Missouri?


Found by my children upstate SC

Am not sure what this is I am hazarding a guess at a gypsy moth


What lives in my pond?

Hi Reddit, does somebody know what this is? Lives in my Little Garden Pond. No legs or so, and it breath air on the surface i think. Location is south Germany.


What’s this colorful fella?

Columbus, OH


Saw these guys on a tree in a central Mexican jungle. The guide said they were very painful to touch. They also sort of vibrated. Can’t seem to find an ID anywhere


North Dakota (super northern part) caterpillar?


This is the prettiest butterfly I’ve seen in the wild (north Georgia, USA)

What variety of butterfly is this beauty? Any way to tell if it’s M or F?
