I love jontron, but this memes need to stop

From r/memes

Read also:

I despise wojaks




1 or 2 more and its necrophilia


The caption though


This's always the same sub".


My dog has these red spots on his knuckles…he is a year old male standard Aussie..what could it be??


Possible HD?

Hi all. My bf and I adopted a 4 month old puppy a couple weeks ago and took him in for hip X-rays because his walk looked a little funny at times. The vet said she suspects hip dysplasia based on the X-rays, but was on the fence. We have opted to have his images sent to a radiologist to confirm/deny. Regardless, I feel like you can’t have too many opinions and I have such bad anxiety waiting, so figured I would post here in case anyone has experience with puppies with HD and what the X-rays look like. So far, he acts like a normal puppy. He runs, plays, and doesn’t ever act in pain. He was apprehensive to play the first week we had him, but he was very malnourished and underweight and has since had his personality and playfulness come out a ton!


My dogs paw is swollen and pussing, not for the first time

My English bulldog’s paws often get swollen. He doesn’t chew at his paws at all but his paw seems to be getting worse. the vet says it’s allergies which i believe, but this is the first time it has started to puss. it also looks like there’s a hole in it. he is on apaquil, i soak his paws in unscented epsom salts every so often, i have special cleaning pads and he gets bathed once a week with special shampoo. It is not food allergy related as he is only on his hypoallergenic food and gets nothing else. Any advice or recommendations!? or does anyone know wth this issue is!!?


What's this rash on my puppy

I initially thought it was fleas as he had gotten into contact with another dog with fleas but after neck drops and others the rash got worse.


How Do Dogs Know What’s Edible?

How do dogs know which wild plants are edible and which aren’t? I have a rescue (cattle dog/pointer/hound mix) that lived in the wild for a bit as a puppy and she forages whenever she can. She’s always sniffing her way to something tasty and in the 7 years I’ve had her she’s never been poisoned. Last week I saw her eating mushrooms in the yard which is what prompted me to post. I like to forage myself sometimes, but wild mushrooms make me nervous even with a guidebook in hand. Either somehow she knows that puffballs are edible and the other wild mushrooms here aren’t, or ??? Is this something I need to worry about, or is my dog just smarter than me? I know she’s smart, but I’ve had dogs my whole life and they never messed with mushrooms (or wild plants for that matter).
