Cinnamon bread swirl hole

Hello all! I've been wanting to learn how to make some bread for the house and stumbled accross this cinnamon swirl bread recipie from the DnD cookbook. I tweaked the recipie a bit by doubling the butter and honey to make it more moist and sweet. However I'm not sure how to prevent the swirl from separating itself in the center. I tried rolling the dough tighter for the second rise but it didn't quite help. Same issue happened using the original recipie measurements.

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Update to my previous post: Why did people stop making wedding bridge cakes?

I couldn't find anyone to make it so I ended up making one myself💀 Sorry for the crappy background😭


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Baking ideas for sweet whipping cream...

I accidentally bought the wrong type of whipping cream to use in my sauces. It contains sugar and I found out the sad way when my savoury dish tasted weirdly sweet. In what ways can I use this cream? It's meant for making fresh cream that is used for cake decorating, but I don't bake cakes (my oven is too small and I've only baked small pastries, cookies, etc. before) I have tried using it as a creamer in beverages, but it was too oily. Any baking ideas for making use of this sweetened whipping cream? There is 1kg of it so I don't wish for it to go to waste. Thanks!


Peanut Butter Cookies


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Cracker recipe for tiny molds. Help! 🙏

I'm looking for a better recipe of savoury crackers or biscuits for the tiny dinos mold I got. It can't be sweet because my toddler isn't that into sweets. For the ones in this pictures I used this: 1 cup of flour 1cup of finely shredded cheddar cheese 80g butter 5-6 tablespoons of 0% milk It's delicious but the dough was very sticky so it was hard and tedious to add it to the molds. I'd love to make this every week for my little one so I'm looking for a dough that's better more liquidy when raw but still crunchy when baked. Any ideas?


In need of pumpkin bread aid!

Hello all! I'm having an issue with my pumpkin bread, it keeps sinking when it cools and I don't know why! I don't think I over mixed it, but I could be wrong, does anyone have any other ideas?


Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins

I made muffins from scratch for the first time ever! They turned out so good I’m so proud 🥲
