Wanted to share my first brilliant move

It was not really hard to find, but imo sacrifices are the most enjoyable moves to play

Read also:

Blundered his queen so fast


Been struggling for months to hit 1300 white resigned

No real value in post but needed somewhere to feel robbed.


I kinda liked this mating sequence so there you go, mate in 4. (Of course I missed it in game)


Did my opponent give up too soon or am I missing something?

I’m black, it had been a very long and close game to this point. I felt like they were slightly in control for a lot of the game and were probably a more experienced player than me. My opponent resigned at this point and I was a bit surprised. It looks like their king can escape and they can promote their pawn. Am I missing something? Are they looking further ahead and thinking I’ll get to promote my pawn too and then they wouldn’t be able to recover? Or am I missing something more obvious like an inevitable checkmate?


I got a lot of opponent's good pieces but now my pieces can't move because of the huge pawn batallion

How do I work from here?


What do you think of this position?

It felt like a kind of funky position. What do you think? Is it a bad one? If so, any tips on things to avoid to get to this kind of position? Fyi I ended up blundering my queen later in the game and lost… (wasn’t paying attention)


Who is winning here?

I lost this game, as black


Proud of this one. 2 brilliants and 80%.


Forced a draw. Felt good as heck.

I was on beginner but this person was definitely NOT a beginner. Felt so good to not let them win.


Played Evans gambit, got to this position, computer says it's blunder, 'show moves' doesn't help.

Idea was to defend the pawn while also developing the bishop, sound good right ? Not according to the engine.
