Buddy is shedding! How do we spin his hair into yarn? 🤣

Buddy is shedding for the first time since we adopted him! He was professionally shaved by a vet last Fall due to matting, so his shedding cycle has been delayed. But he’s a fuzzy lop (angora + lop mix), so we’re brushing out sooo much hair. Is there an easy way to spin his hair into yarn?

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Help picking my bunny up :/

I recently rehomed a couple rabbits( had this one a couple months) and he doesn't like being picked up much. He'll make an angy noise and kick quite a bit and has scratched me a couple times. I was hoping for some advice to make it eaiser/ quicker to train him being picked up without so much fuss. He's fine being cuddled, I can touch his bum and stomach but as soon as I pick him up he gets pretty annoyed and will avoid me for a lil bit. Difficult when I trying to get him to bed at night :/ pic cos he's cute


Need help, stray rabbit (Live)

Ok keeping it simple, its late where I live, vets are closed and theres alot of stray cats where I live. First time in my life ive seen a rabbit this close so need help. 1. What do i do to get it inside my home so i can protect it till vets open up and i can find a better place for it ? 2. What are the dos and donts ? Ive had 100s of cats but never a rabbit.. no idea what to do right now because i wanna help this poor thing because its probably someone's pet.. pretty sure it is because rabbits arent just naturally waltzing about where I live.. its pretty big as well so im scared thing might bite if afraid of me


Found bunny, animal shelter won't take it. Now what?

I found this cute bun hopping down the road at 5:30 this morning and called animal control almost immediately. Six hours later, they called me back to say that they believe--without looking at it--that this is most likely a feral rabbit. They won't take it; they believe it has some sort of contagious disease: and they told me I should put it back outside. Most (all?) rescues in the area don't accept strays and direct me back to animal services. I have two cats and my roommate has a dog--there's no way we can keep this bunny. I don't want to condemn it to die outside, but letting it go is what the literal animal experts told me to do. Does anyone have any advice for what to try next? Or any signs that I could look for to determine that this is, in fact, a feral rabbit? Thanks


Box forts: best zero dollars you can spend on a bun.

If I fits, I sits. And I judge.


Gosh hes a perfect little angel🥺


Inigo got sum Greena today and looks happy :3


Found this little guy and a sibling outside our house (sibling unfortunately was attacked really bad by some animal)

This little guy is outside in the yard. Looks like he has an injury to his back leg. All the animal rescues close are all closed. What can I do?


I think this belongs here


"Dissapointment of not being able to fully enjoy the sunset because of the wildfire in Çanakkale ☹️"

She posts about "how dissapointing the wildfires are because they are ruining her sunset and she can't enjoy it fully." During the wildfires.


Muricans == good guys.

And if you don't believe that you are also an uneducated uncivilized goat f u c k e r living in some shithole third world country. We're the main characters. **MAGA**
