Inigo got sum Greena today and looks happy :3

Read also:

Found this little guy and a sibling outside our house (sibling unfortunately was attacked really bad by some animal)

This little guy is outside in the yard. Looks like he has an injury to his back leg. All the animal rescues close are all closed. What can I do?


I think this belongs here


"Dissapointment of not being able to fully enjoy the sunset because of the wildfire in Çanakkale ☹️"

She posts about "how dissapointing the wildfires are because they are ruining her sunset and she can't enjoy it fully." During the wildfires.


Muricans == good guys.

And if you don't believe that you are also an uneducated uncivilized goat f u c k e r living in some shithole third world country. We're the main characters. **MAGA**


bro added the facepalm emoji and everything (and commented the same comment twice to two dofferent people)


A Reddit Attorney Explains Tort Law


This is 100% a crime, against multiple clearly-defined laws


Creative and nice attention to details


I’m about to start the Red Wedding episode

How did everyone feel the first time around ?


Singlehandedly the goofiest moment of the show to me

I love the show, rewatching it with my dad who is loving it but this just cracks me up. I understand what it's trying to do here with sam being the grand maester and everything but it cannot be cannon that inner monologue for each character was written by sam. It makes sense for the Hobbit, it's all from the perspective of Bilbo and the inner monologue is his own but sam being the inner monologue of almost 30 characters most of which he has not interacted with.
