how can i tell if they’re getting enough milk?

should i be weighing them? before they had fur i could tell by the wrinkles/way their belly looked. i held them up to moms belly to see how they act and they’re all moving from nipple to nipple so quickly it feels like nothing must be coming out and that’s why they’re looking for a new nipple? also, they accidentally got a chance to eat a bite of moms apple and greens- the internet says they shouldn’t be eating this yet, is it ok that they got a bite?! or is the internet wrong and it’s ok to start giving them a little bit? (they’re 3 weeks old)

Read also:

How do you get your buns to take their meds when too small for juice mixed in and too small and wriggly for syringe to fit behind their front teeth?!?

10 week old disabled bun with suspected E cuniculli on metacam and panacur in hopes to get rid of it and ideally regain ability to use his back legs fully but he doesn’t even seem to notice he can’t use them and we’re happy to keep up the work required in cleaning him if he doesn’t recover so as long as his quality of life is good he’ll be staying with us even if he doesn’t improve. Here’s the issue! He is an awful med taker especially for panacur which is the most important and I’m really struggling to get it all in him and stressing as I know how important it is that I do! I’ve tried swaddling firmly, loosely, picking him up, putting him at eye level so I can see properly, attempting to gently lift his head for better access but still he just shakes his head when he sees the syringe and kicks at me, I get some in but not the full dose which worries me. It’s got to the point where he recognises his set med time daily and actually hopped away from me at such speed earlier I was amazed when I went near his pen 🤣 I appreciate his attitude and energy levels still but I need him to take it!! Any advice on techniques to try, where I’m going wrong or what worked for you would be immensely helpful as we’re not even a week in!


This is a boop checkpoint. Pls give one boop to pass. 🫵


I finally found something that stops the spicy hay problem

I found these online and they actually work (unlike the dumb fabric ones) and they even have cute lil bunny ears in the logo haha. Even my biggest bunny can’t chew through these! I think I lost like 20 phone cables before this hahaha. Now I just need to find something for the skirting boards. What do you guys use to stop bunnies chewing??


How majestic


lazy rabbit on rainy day

are buns usually sleepy on rainy days? there's a typhoon in my area and all she's been doing the whole day is sleep


How is she SO CUTE?!


What is this bright orange object in my plumbing pipes? It’s conical with an approximate diameter of 4in at the top and 2in at the base.

Appears to be made out of a foam material. Just purchased the house last week and our plumbing quickly clogged. Plumber came out and used his camera to find this.


Cylindrical object hanging from ceiling, dispenser at bottom

It is in my high school cafeteria. The coiled thing in the picture is supposed to be smooth on all the other dispensers. There are 8


what is this large green stand(?) with peg and shape panels (around 5’10”) for? found in recently abandoned office building.


Tiny red plastic piece about half an inch long.

I found it at my girlfriend's house, but she has no idea either.
