Lily and her favorite toy

Here’s my sweet girl, Lily with he favorite toy sloth. Any photos of your kitties with their favorite toys?

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Daily dose of Vida #239 - another of decent quality


Love stare (by Sabrina Boem)


He schleep


My favourite coworker


I thought it was cuddle time. She it was time to violently clean her butt.


This is practically a routine at this point


Vampire spotted in the wild


Everyone say Hi to my cat Patches :3


How did you cope with your pet loss?

I dread the day my kitties will cross one day. I have four and one will be turning 11 this year and just coming across the pet loss stories on here makes me want to hold her and the others very close. I’ve never been one to handle death easily and haven’t had to mourn a close family, pet, friend death. You go from seeing your furry companion sleeping at the edge of your bed everyday to a now empty spot and a hole in your heart. I don’t mean to reopen wounds if I have but I am just not ready for the day. How does one even prepare and deal with it? It’s almost midnight and I’m just lost in my thoughts.


Night night
