Blueberry Muffins

Line muffin tin with papers, preheat oven to 400*F. 1 3/4 C. Flour, 3 tsp. Baking Powder, 1/2 tsp. Salt. Stir together in a large bowl. 1/4 C. Butter, 1/2 C. Sugar, 1Egg, 3/4 C. Milk, 1tsp. Vanilla. In another bowl, beat butter and sugar for 3 minutes. Beat in egg until quite smooth. Stir in milk and vanilla. Pour into dry ingredients. Stir only to moisten (batter will be lumpy) 1C. Blueberries, 1Tblsp. Flour. Stir lightly. Then carefully fold into batter. Divide batter into muffin papers. Bake 20-25 minutes until nicely browned.

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First time making 3D cake. Baby shark



I want to know the best kind of cookie/biscuit recipe to use with detailed cutters, I have the ones pictured on this post, but the picture it's self is from the website I got them from.


Did the best I could with what I had 😂 Skyrim Sweetrolls


My mother's Miele oven just exploded, just seconds earlier she was looking in to check on the food


What a let down

Made my salted brown butter chocolate chip cookies took one but and realized I forgot the @&$&$ SALT!!


German chocolate cake for a special someone


Made some cinnamon rolls and sesame buns


How much to charge?

Two layer funfetti with buttercream frosting and cake crumbs. Slightly smaller than a quarter sheet pan. Would take more care with the frosting 🤦‍♀️


Minus a fairly obvious one these turnovers didn't leak as much as my last ones.


I made a caramel chocolate cake at 10 pm.
